A wide range of EU-funded projects have completed or are undertaking research and developing innovative approaches and options for climate adaptation and associated guidance, tools, data, and case studies to help regional and local authorities deliver the EU Mission on Adaption to Climate Change. Projects directly funded by Mission on Adaptation are managed by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Those include:

Project name





The AGORA project aims to enhance collective resilience against climate change by establishing community-based adaptation practices in various social, economic and political contexts. To achieve this, it will work in selected pilot communities, to foster collaboration among citizens, social organisations, scholars, field experts, policymakers and entrepreneurs who will co-design, co-develop and implement solutions tailored to local needs.

From: 1 September 2023 to: 31 August 2027



ARSINOE develops actionable solutions and fosters an innovation ecosystem to further climate resilience and enable adaptation to climate change across Europe. It connects innovators and end-users in different European regions to create novel innovation packages, business models, and implementation concepts that promote sustainability and growth through European cross fertilisation. It develops and tests demonstrators for applicability, replicability, potential, and effectiveness in nine diverse European regions.

From: 1 October 2021 to: 30 September 2025



CARDIMED will deploy a digital infrastructure to harmonise the data collection and evaluation processes, providing open data to all the actors involved in the Nature-based Solutions (NBS) value chain and integrating crucial functions for Climate Resilience. It will be implemented across nine demonstration sites, composed of 10 regions, 20 locations and 28 communities and comprising 47 NBS that directly relate to 83 interventions and supporting units that tackle climate change and circularity challenges.

From: 1 September 2023 to: 29 February 2028



The CLIMAAX project aims to accelerate the design and implementation of risk management plans for climate adaptation and emergency response across Europe. It will provide substantial financial, analytical and practical support to regions and communities to develop and improve their climate risk assessments. It does this through a number of activities including a standardised climate risk assessment framework, a toolbox with data, models and utilities linking global open data archives with local data and procedures, five European pilots, financial support to execute a context-specific climate risk assessment, online guidance on climate risk assessment and a proposal to upscale results.

From: 1 January 2023 to: 31 December 2026



The CLIMAS project aims to support a transformation to climate resilience by offering an innovative problem-oriented climate adoption toolbox. This toolbox is co-designed together with stakeholders by applying a values-based approach, design thinking methods and citizen science mechanisms.

From: 1 January 2023 to: 31 December 2025



CLIMATEFIT contributes to bridging the resilience financing gap by providing critical insight and building the capacities of Public Authorities to attract and orchestrate various funding and financing sources and of Financing and Investment Entities (FIEs) to discover and access resilient investment opportunities. It will experiment on a mix of 20 European territories in their transformational pathways towards climate resilience. The project will take stock of funding and financing barriers and enablers gathered in the Financing Landscape taxonomy. Ultimately, CLIMATEFIT will create an ingenious Manual for leveraging finance.

From: 1 September 2023 to: 31 December 2026



ClimEmpower will empower five European regions with high climate change risk and deficient adaptive capacity to enhance their resilience, establish regional communities of best practice and co-create resilient development strategies adapted to the regional needs and potentials. It will deliver this by a combination of user-driven climate applications, capacity building and knowledge  transfer between projects and regions.

From: 1 September 2023 to: 31 August 2026



FARCLIMATE will address the difficult challenges of developing and expanding climate-resilient measures, making them available and understandable to everyone, while also paying special attention to the social, political and economic barriers that are commonly found.

From: 1 October 2023 to: 30 September 2027



ICARIA will use asset-level modelling to understand comlex, compound and cascading impacts to climate change. The project focuses on critical assets and infrastructures that are currently not designed with potential changes to climate in mind, as well as on housing and natural land areas.

From: 1 January 2023 to: 31 December 2025



IMPETUS aims to develop and validate a coherent, multi-scale, multi-level, cross-sectoral climate change adaptation framework spanning all seven EU biogeographical regions. It will build a robust stakeholder community with reliable data and assessment methods to support decision and policymaking, empowering communities to take action on climate change adaptation. It will also implement and validate specific measures to adapt to climate change.

From: 1 July 2022 to: 30 June 2026



LAND4CLIMATE aims to increase the resilience of landscapes and urban settlements by nudging the implementation of nature-based solutions (NBS), which are at large-scale still in its infancy. It looks to address the slow uptake in NBS solutions due to lack of private land. It will co-design and validate NBS on private land through implementation and upscaling with innovative strategies of land policy for a transformative climate-resilient future in areas with multiple risks, especially coupled extreme hydro-meteorological events such as floods, droughts and urban heat.

From: 1 September 2023 to: 31 August 2027



MIRACA is an evidence-based decision support toolkit that meets real world demands. The project’s mission is to empower public authorities  to pinpoint risk-prone areas and develop affordable adaptation strategies to mitigate the physical and economic damages that can result from climate change.

From: 1 January 2023 to: 31 December 2026



MountResilience aims to increase the adaptation capacity of mountainous regions and communities to strengthen climate resilience. It will accelerate the climate-resilient transformation of 10 of the most relevant communities and regions located in the mountains in nine European countries, developing and testing solutions that address policy, governance, societal needs and behaviour, technological requirements, public and financing targets, and climate change risks typical of these areas.

From: 1 September 2023 to: 29 February 2028



NATALIE addresses climate change impact by advancing the concept of “ecosystem-based adaptation” in Europe combined with climate resilient development pathways to accelerate the adoption of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS). To achieve this goal, NATALIE will develop a transformative NBS booster pack of 25 solutions, including innovative technical, modelling and IT solutions, governance and policy recommendations at EU and regional level, financing and public engagement transformative solutions

From: 1 September 2023 to: 31 August 2028



NBRACER co-designs location-based sustainable NBS that are at one with the regional landscapes, upscaling these into coherent regional packages and building specific adaptation pathways integrating local solutions at regional scales.

From: 1 October 2023 to: 30 September 2027


Pathways2Resilience / PEERS

Pathways2Resilience (P2R) takes an innovative, systemic approach to regional climate resilience. It will empower at least 100 regions and communities to co-design visions of a climate resilient future and transformative, locally led pathways and innovation agendas to ensure long-term impact through political commitment. The P2R consortium brings the combined strength of building specialists and monitoring and innovation impact partners

From: 1 January 2023 to: 31 December 2027



PIISA is a research project that will develop and deploy a range of insurance innovations to encourage households and firms to be proactive in their adaptation to climate change. PIISA incites public authorities to set up adaptation and create adaptation promoting conditions.
The project will also co-develop climate resilient insurance portfolios and develop solutions for sharing losses and climate risk data.

From: 1 June 2023 to: 31 May 2026



The Regions4Climate project aims to collaboratively develop and demonstrate a socially-just transition to climate resilience. The project will create and implement innovations combining sociocultural, technological, digital, business, governance, and environmental solutions to reduce the vulnerability of European regions to the impacts of climate change. It will develop a comprehensive Adaptation Framework including a Regional Climate Resilience Dashboard for each partner region, and will design, deploy and scale up solutions through a twinning approach, including 12 demonstration cases across Europe.

From: 1 January 2023 to: 31 December 2027



The REGILIENCE project aims to identify and upscale the most promising climate change resilience solutions and will support their replication in 10 vulnerable regions across Europe. It will communicate them through channels such as events and training; provide tools and guidance; and inspire policymakers, organisations, and individuals to become part of the change.

From: 1 November 2021 to: 31 October 2025



The RESIST project will test adaptation solutions to five key climate challenges: floods, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires, and soil erosion, in four demonstrator regions and eight twinning regions across Europe. RESIST involves stakeholder collaboration in designing and testing more than 100 innovative solutions – adaptation products, regulations, policies and methods. RESIST will also develop 12 Graphical Digital Twins through immersive technologies, to support decision-making.

From: 1 October 2022 to: 30 September 2026


 RISKADAPT aims to support  systemic, risk-informed decisions to adapt to climate change at the asset level (with a focus on the structural systems). The project will develop an online platform to support risk-informed decisions regarding climate change adaptation. The platform will be integrated, public, free, customisable and user-friendly.

From: 1 January 2023 to: 31 December 2025



The SOTERIA project aims to advance innovative insurance solutions for climate change adaptation. It aims to reduce the protection gap by documenting best practice and testing insurance products and services that reward proactive prevention measures while seeking to increase coverage through co-designed solutions.

From: 1 September 2023 to: 28 February 2026



SpongeScapes aims to consolidate, expand and disseminate scientific knowledge to improve the sponge function of soil, groundwater and surface water systems to accelerate the appropriation by all stakeholders. It will support individual solutions and strategies upscale and closer to the market by providing realistic evaluations of their effectiveness under different hydrometeorological extreme events in current conditions and future scenarios.

From: 1 October 2023 to: 30 September 2027



TransformAr aims to upscale and accelerate transformational adaptation to reduce climate-related risk. It addresses water-related risks and impacts of climate change through six demonstrator regions and communities that will test solutions.

From: 1 October 2021 to: 30 September 2025



 VALORADA will co-develop data-manipulation tools to access available climate datasets and enable the sharing, community validation and use of locally socioeconomic, demographic and Earth-Observation data.

From: 1 June 2023 to: 31 May 2026


The contents and links to third-party items on this Mission webpage are developed by the MIP4Adapt team led by Ricardo, under contract CINEA/2022/OP/0013/SI2.884597 funded by the European Union and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union, CINEA, or those of the European Environment Agency (EEA) as host of the Climate-ADAPT Platform. Neither the European Union nor CINEA nor the EEA accepts responsibility or liability arising out of or in connection with the information on these pages.

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